sassa means test 2023-2024
sassa means test 2023-2024
When you apply for a social grant, Sassa will evaluate your application using a means test. This is exactly what a method test is, and it has implications for your Sassa award application.
A means test is used by the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) to establish a candidate’s eligibility for financial support through social grants.
During the means test, Sassa will assess the applicant’s assets and income to determine whether or not they fall within a predetermined range.
This is carried out because Sassa grants are designed to assist those who are unable to maintain their families and themselves financially.
Each sort of grant has a different means test. For the grants for older persons, veterans of war, and those with disabilities, for example, a sliding scale is utilized.
In other words, the applicant’s eligibility for a government pension will be proportionately lowered to their private income.
Income threshold for SASSA
Grants for older persons, disabilities, and war veterans:
The maximum annual income for a single person is R86 280, and the maximum annual income for a married couple is R172 560.
Asset ceiling: If you are single, your assets should not exceed R2 455 200; if you are married, they should not exceed R1 227 600.
Child Support Grants:
Individuals should not make more than R54 000 a year.
not make more than R108 000 a year if you are married.
Care Dependency Grants:
not make more than R 223 200 a year if you’re single.
Married: Not make more than R446 400 annually
Care Dependency Grant
Child Support Grant
Disability Grant
Foster Child Grant
Older Persons Grant
Social Relief of Distress
War Veterans Grant
For more info on Sassa Online Application click here